What do all of the letters stand for in LGBTQIA+? You can find a list of vocabulary and terms.
The Human Rights Campaign 2018 LGBTQ Youth Report, GLSEN 2017 National School Climate Survey, and the GA State Snapshot of School Climate
Are you searching for a mental health therapist for yourself, a family member, or a child/teen? Find a list of self-identified therapists who work with members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Find a list of helpful resources that apply to educational institutions. This information will be relevant for parents, teachers, administrators, social workers, counselors, etc who are interested to learn about policies and procedures affecting LGBTQ students in K-12 schools. In addition, resources for making your school more LGBTQ inclusive are listed.
We are fortunate to have resources for medical care within the surrounding area which is LGBTQ+ inclusive for all individuals.
Athens Pride & Queer Collective
Athens Pride + Queer Collective is dedicated to the advancement of equity, affirmation, diversity, and wellness of queer populations in the greater Athens area by working with historically marginalized communities through outreach, social connection, education, and events.
See a list of local and online groups for LGBTQIA+ youth
LGBTQ+ Houses of Worship/Churches/Synagogues in the Athens GA area